Uh-huh... an update more than 1 year later! (super sorry to lengluis who waited for this)
- iwannabelenglui use this minimally every once a week
- super nice to use cos its comfy and convenient
- one charge lasts ages!
- yes, helps tones the cheeks a little... (you know the areas that tend to start drooping and start showing smile lines? stick to this, regularly consume some collagen and age slow and graceful... lol)
- Totally recommended for older lengluis! ( > 27 )
Update 11th Dec 2012:
With minimal patience built in, iwannabelenglui went ahead and got one last month...
Wohohohoho... will definitely keep you lengluis posted on this!
So umm... what does this do?
LOL... ANTI-AGING gadget that helps SHAPE your face (for chubby faces)!!
But -umm... sugar_cupcakes does not have FAT FACE ... in fact she needs more fat on her face!!!! (--)" Still.... she's super afraid of sagging face cheeks!! ANTI-SAG gadget... here comes iwannabelenglui!!
- Massage roller to firm your facial skin
- Apparently Japanese babes claim that these are great for reducing umm fat-faces
- I don't know much about that but.... whatever the claims are... it's currently wish-list-item-1 for now... The problem is, Panasonic keeps bringing in these superb Jap gadgets which are already out-of-date in Japan but they are NEW bling-blings to us though!
- Hmm... in actual fact, the DHC Collagen Drink has been superb in giving sugar_cupcakes the boing-boing facial skin
- But. Heck. Look at the reviews below for this gadget:
- http://translate.google.com.my/translate?hl=en&sl=ja&u=http://www.cosme.net/product/product_id/2948018/reviews/p/2&prev=/search%3Fq%3DEH-SP30%2Breview%2Bblog%26start%3D20%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26hs%3DHgB%26sa%3DN%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-GB:official%26biw%3D1366%26bih%3D606%26prmd%3Dimvns&sa=X&ei=iqCDUK6-I8XwrQf864HoBg&ved=0CF8Q7gEwCTgU
- http://blogs.elle.com.hk/staice/tag/eh-sp30/
- http://www.myfatpocket.com/huirong/tag/japan-tokyo/