Monday, June 14, 2010

How to AGE gracefully?

Oh nooooooo.... we're getting older by the minute and we know it!

If you're heading towards the BIG 30 or are already there or way past that... I think its high time we think about aging gracefully.

pic courtesy of

Its like the been-there-done that time of life where everyone's starting to remind you, baby, you're not young anymore. Come on... no one likes to be older... but its like the one thing we can't avoid... Reversing age? dang... if only that was EVER possible... Forget botox (for now)... screw surgeries.. if you're gonna be going for cosmetic procedures but have trouble climbing the stairs or having to wear dentures too early for your age... ITS NOT WORKING!

Hohoho... But, you've seen ladies who's age are well beyond their looks. Tell me, does Jen Aniston looks 40?? I don't think so... Kate Moss?? Sheesh... she looks fashionable even in a lousy oversized-T... So okie lengluis, we may all start to age but... lets age gracefully!

  • Teeth - TAKE CARE OF YOUR SMILES! Ladies... if there's anything more important than being beautiful naturally is having a usable set of teeth! Flossing regularly, massaging your gums, collagen to maintain gums...? Whatever you do... please... your teeth are IMPORTANT! We wanna avoid dentures as long a we can... huhuhuhu...
  • Dressing - Try not to dress too young or too old for your age. Eg; Stay away from neons and old grandmotherly laces and peasant flowers or gaudy colours
  • Hairstyles - Mid-length is your safest bet. If you've got babyface, you may still pull off the long hair. I bet you've seen countless of mid-age ladies trying to pull of the young-flirty-long-haired look... The older you get... don't go too short or too long.. no lenglui wanna end up impersonating "the ring" or emm.. whatever "tomboyish aunt-ish" look. Work a do that goes best with your best features
  • Losing hair - Yeah... as we age, most of us feel like we're going balder by the minute. Okay, for most, its a figment of our imagination.. But... when the hard cold truth sets in... you'll know when to cut down on hair dyes and take care of your scalp.
  • Yoga - This is the ultimate, lengluis... I'm serious! Every women I know who look way below their age is into yoga. Come on, if you wanna avoid having joint-paints... trouble walking up the steep stairs as you get older... its time to consider yoga...
  • Stretching - stretching in the morning and having some stomach pick me up in the morning like squeezing quarter of a lemon into cold water and downing the glass each morning
  • Hot and cold - This was from some Japanese age old therapy... when showering, alternate between hot and cold... your skin will contract and expand from the hot and cold water... its like exercise for the skin! Of course... emm... this is not advisable for lengluis going through winter in a cold climate...
  • Secret inner wears - As our bodies age... so does our figure! Its not like we're some celeb who can spend 3-5 hours a day at the gym working our butt off for a nice figure. Come on... on average we only have 4-5 hours a week to spend on maintaining my figure! The rest are time for study, work-work-work, family, sleep, bf, friends, social, and tv... Geez... No beautiful-figure lenglui would ever admit this... but... secretly... most of these women.. they invest in that body-shaping girdle/inner wear/thigh buster tights... to keep that body in shape while they're busy doing stuff other than exercising... Those who says its all thanks to good genes... puh-leeese..... what do they know??! hahahhahaa....
  • Keep an active mind - For the couch potatoes like me... huhuhu... its time to reduce your regular dosage of "staring into space sessions". Pick up a new skill... baking, cooking, sewing.. music instrument, blogging... whatever floats your boat...
  • Feets and Hands - When moisturizing... don't forget your feet and hands! Use gloves when dealing with harsh chemicals like detergents... No ones gonna find out your age when the saying "your hands tell your age" is a laugh...
  • Lengluis, add on to this list - and the list goes on.... hohohoho...

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