Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Air Humidifier - Nice conditioned skin when you wake

Why wake up with dry skin and dry throat?

pic credit to http://www.thegreenhead.com/2005/11/ultrasonic-personal-humidifier.php

I've always wanted to blog about humidifiers. Not because they look cute or they make me any prettier... But... I think if you live in a place with dry air (perhaps from the winter), or somewhere hot like Malaysia and you use the air condition... You've definitely experienced that peeling lips, dry skin, dry throat syndrome. So here goes... the air humidifier!

If you're from Korea or have watched sad-OF-THE-saddest Korean dramas with hospital scenes of people waiting ermm -hiks-, you will notice... next to each hospital bed is a cute penguin humidifier. That's the one I'm having at home now! Muahahahahaaa... And again, no. I did not buy this. My dad was convinced by some friend that this would help him breathe better while sleeping... so he doesn't have to wake up with dry throat. Geez... now I know where I got my easily-convinced-shopper syndrome from...

Ah! In case you still don't quite get what I'm rambling about: Air humidifiers are household appliances that increases the humidity (moisture) of the air in a room.

So for the verdict:
  • Ever woken up with peeling lips and skin that feels oh-so-dry even after you've loaded gunk of moisturiser on the night before? Or perhaps feeling that you might get a soar-dry throat anytime soon with the condition of the air in your room? So yeah... If you've got very bad sinus too... I think this helps... a lot!
  • Try putting on some body lotion, and turn on the humidifier before you go to sleep in that really dry-air room. Wake up next morning... and voila! Soft moisturised skin... Cooolnessssss!!
  • Moisturised lips in the morning? Check!
  • Okay... so not all's good with humidifiers. Check out the wiki page and you'll see.. humidifiers allow reproduction of dust mites, bacterias and molds. Eeeewww... After all, these pesky living stuff prefers moisturised condition. So you might want to look out for a humidifier with Microban technology and purifier all in one to reduce the bad stuff.


  1. may i know what brand is this and how much is it?

  2. Hi Anonymous,

    This is a really old model so I don't think you can find it around these days.

    Try other brands? Any reputable humidifier brand works almost the same. (Panasonic, Sharp, Beurer, Cosway.. etc)

    If you're from KL and got cash to spare, I'd personally go for Yuan Ultrasonic Aromatheraphy diffuser which is also a humidifier which I saw the other day in Isetan 1-Utama. See link below.


    Hope this helps (^o^)

  3. Air purification is a must these days because it helps to remove allergens and dust particles from the air increasing the indoor air quality of your home or office. It is costly yet you can find air purifier sale in some areas or stores.
